19 August 2011

Setting up mintty in GNUStep (mingw)


In the last post, we have talked about how to install GNUStep on Linux.
Similar but yet more simple steps provided here to install GNUStep on Windows.

Okey you can follow the steps in the previous link and you will get GNUStep installed for you on Windows..

If you are very comfortable with the "Ugly" windows CMD window, don't continue reading..

but if you hate the look and feel of the CMD window, do what i did .. install "mintty".

So the following will be the steps to install and configure mintty.
1- open "All Programs > GNUstep > Shell"
write the following to install mintty:

mingw-get install mintty

Now Right click on the desktop and then "New > shortcut" and then type in the box the following

C:\GNUstep\msys\1.0\bin\mintty.exe /bin/env CHERE_INVOKING=1 /bin/bash -l

Now click Next then Finish.

You are done.. try to open the shortcut now :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome, thanks